Saturday, July 5, 2014

2014 UPDATE!


It's been a long time since I've posted on Blogger as I thought I'd lost my info, but in the course of streamlining my Gmail folders, I discovered my login details.

In the four years since my last post, a lot has happened to me; most recently, my father passed away in his sleep from a heart attack on June 19th of this year, a week before my 25th birthday, after a lengthy bedridden bout with dementia and R.A.

My musical tastes have taken a turn, away from the classic country of the 50s and 60s, back a little into the swing era of the 40s, the jazz of the 1930s and '20s, and the acoustical multitude of musical varieties available from the 1910s and before. As such, when time permit, some small changes will be coming, some posts will no doubt be deleted, and my format will be more phonographically-inclined.

Please stay tuned!